Main Gallery

Graham Hudson:
Bad Dog

Locust Projects will begin an electrifying 2008 season with a solo exhibition by London- born artist Graham Hudson.  After two months of research in Miami, Hudson will create a site- specific/sympathetic installation using both found and bought objects incorporating sculpture, light and sound elements played through record players. In the project room, LA-based artist Aili Schmeltz will be creating the  “The Magic City”, a string and nail installation of a topographical map of the Miami region similar to that of 1970's string art and do-it-yourself art kits.

Currently based in Los Angeles, Hudson was first seen at last years Art Basel by Director Claire Breukel who was intrigued by his work at the Pulse art fair.  This year, Graham Hudson has come to Miami to begin work two months prior to this exhibition; his new sculpture embodies this period of research, combined with familiar motifs to create an artwork of grand scale, delicate construction, sound and light, to speculate on our shared history and an unsettled future. The global context, history and memory of Miami is captured in the recycling of podiums, gathered from the departing Nada and Art Basel, from the local galleries of Wynwood, and the cupboards of Locust itself. Turntables scratch and randomly repeat as the room is filled with a hypnotic and constantly changing new score as light bulbs are pushed round and round by the turntables motion. At the same time, fans oscillate with large bin bags attached, dangling from an architecture of tools and found timber.

Welcome to Miami's incubator of new art and ideas.

Locust Projects is OPEN! Come visit us Wed-Sat 11am-5pm and see new exhibitions by Jaye Rhee and Wendy Wischer - learn more here!  

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