Main Gallery

Raymond Saá:
El dulcerito llego

In the main space, in a heat that can’t melt ideas like popsicles, Raymond Saá has been working on a series of large-scale murals. Part of a series of pieces first realized on the exterior of houses in Wynwood, the indoor version of these murals are of tropical flora imagery bought down to its minimal form in monochrome. This imagery vamps up its own menacing undertones in order to allude to some of contradictory experience of immigrants in America. Promised opportunities pitted against the confusion of a new and competitive culture spin off daily realities that become strange cognitive blurs that one has to slowly work through. And then, there is always the callback of the culture of one’s own country that throws even more incompatible elements into the mix. ‘El Dulcerito Llego’ (The SweetsVendor is Here) is the title of a Cuban song by Harry Kim and Raymundo Olivera, 1998. Olivera’s trumpet solos are inspired by the acapella singing style of street vendors. Saá has used the street vendor, who displays the resourcefulness and creativity of the immigrant sole proprietor and represents the cultural mix of imagery and commerce, in much of his work. Sugar has long been a metaphor for wealth, success, sweetness and comfort—what we all aspire to. But then again, it can also be the opposite. Think of all the bad memories that arise when you think of the film of sugar left at the bottom the Kool-Aid cup.

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