Project Room

Doug Fishbone:
Towards A Common Understanding

In the project room, Locust will show the video, Towards a Common Understanding, by London-based, American artist Doug Fishbone. The work is made entirely from images culled from the Internet. Using the rambling and relativist’s monologue, filled with unexpected free associations and wrong turns, as well as the still-image movie (which is equal parts Chris Marker sublime essaying and boring slide lecture), Fishbone explores the pitfalls of language, the weirdness of some of our convictions, and the grain of truth lodged in otherwise terribly inappropriate clichés and stereotypes. Using a Matthew Broderick-like deadpan style of delivery and making his own the strategy of the awkward stand-up comedian, he teases the absurdity out of what we take to be rock-solid certainties. He pits our own common-sense truisms against the things we take for granted, and he shakes us, at least for a passing minute and between chuckles, out of the lassitude with which we accept what would on any other day seem like perfectly sensible messages.


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