Project Room

LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE LOST: The 2024 Locust Art Builders Exhibition

Opening Reception

Click here for exhibition Gallery Notes.

LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE LOST provides us the opportunity to represent, deconstruct, and then criticize the American dream and its components. The nuclear family is a staple of this era, a time where economic and societal harvest was built upon the suffering and labor of those deemed unfit for the perfect America. Discredited as shameful and taboo, the issues that plagued these families were set aside and left to rot under the seemingly gleaming carpets. The result is prevalent throughout Land of the Free, Home of the Lost, the American ideals crumbling throughout the wallpaper and before you even reach the doorstep. Fully interchangeable, the two concepts of dollhouse and American dream are nothing but facades. The grey area of morality, seeping throughout the house, are reminders of the problems that plague society and stain the path of progress.

Watch the student produced video on the making of LAB's exhibition "HOME OF THE FREE, LAND OF THE LOST"

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