Project Room

Flight 19:

Flight 19 (also known as Experimental Skeleton), a Tampa-based collective, is producing a new installation entitled Rediviva featuring work by artists Jeremichael Bonds, Robert Chambers, April S. Childers, Noah Doely, Bob Dorsey, The Fluff Constructivists, Gregory Green, Joe Griffith, Kara Holland, Kym O'Donnell, Paul Pisoni, Jason Rodricks and Brian Taylor. Invited to exhibit in the Locust booth at last year’s Scope Fair, the group, in collaboration with culture jammers Negativland, brought a crowd-favorite Abe Lincoln animatronic that was caught in a dizzying loop of speech-snippets. For this exhibition, Flight 19 will produce an installation that includes a series of sculptures and drawings based on the debris scattered over Nacagdoches, Texas, in 2003, when the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated reentering earth’s atmosphere. The haunted fragments that Flight 19 will present continue along the lines that the group has always traveled: between sculpture and props, between refined art and low- end bad taste, between reality and movie magic.


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Locust Projects is OPEN! Come visit us Wed-Sat 11am-5pm and see new exhibitions by Jaye Rhee and Wendy Wischer - learn more here!  

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