WaveMaker Grants - 2024 APPLICATIONS - CLOSED


Meet the 2023 WaveMakers here.

Applications ARE NOW OPEN FOR 2024. For more info, please visit www.wavemakergrants.org.  OR APPLY HERE>>>

WaveMaker at Locust Projects supports Miami’s visionary artists with incubator grants for innovative projects that are shared with the public in unconventional spaces.

Since 2015, WaveMaker has awarded $570,000 in funding to 114 of Miami’s visionary artists. Grantees receive up to $6,000 each in three categories: New Work / Projects, Long-Haul Projects, and Research & Development + Implementation. In the spirit of Locust Projects’ artist-driven mission, WaveMakers experiment and take risks, creating innovative work that is shared with the public in unconventional spaces.

WaveMaker is made possible by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts' Regional Regranting Program, a network of 32 regranting partners across the country. Founded in 2015 by the former nonprofit Cannonball, WaveMaker has been administered by Locust Projects, Miami’s longest running nonprofit alternative art space, since 2017.

Grant Categories:

Each year, WaveMaker at Locust Projects awards a total of $60,000 in grant funding to artists, curators, and collectives across Miami-Dade County in the following three categories:

New Work / Projects: Grants up to $6,000 each to support the creation and presentation of visionary, artist-driven new work / projects.   

Long-Haul Projects: Grants up to $6,000 each to support launching, sustaining, or completing long-term projects. This category recognizes the time and commitment required to pursue long-term artistic endeavors.

R&D + Implementation: Grants up to $2,000 each to support research and development for ambitious new projects that take creative risks or benefit from a longer planning period. After the R&D phase, grantees are encouraged to submit a short-form proposal for an additional $4,000 to implement their projects.


Visual artists, curators, arts writers, cultural organizers, collectives, collaborators, and artist-run spaces at all career stages who reside in Miami-Dade County are encouraged to apply.

Film, performance, dance, music, and other projects that fall outside a strict definition of visual art are eligible. However, visual art must be the leading component.

If applying as a group, the creative partnership can be long-standing or initiated specifically for this project. Please identify one participant to serve as the lead contact.

Non-profit organizations and LLCs established for commercial enterprise are not eligible.

All projects must engage or be made accessible to the public in unconventional spaces in Miami-Dade County.  This may include exhibitions, performances, events, lectures, workshops, screenings, readings, publications, residencies, programming at artist-run-spaces, online projects, etc. Projects can not be presented at art museums or commercial galleries.  Projects that support inclusion, diversity, equity, and access are strongly encouraged.


Submissions for 2024 WaveMaker Grants open January 1, 2024.

Deadline: April 1, 2024 at 11:59pm.

The application is available here. If you do not already have a free Submittable account, you will need to create one to apply. The application includes the following questions:

Applicant Info: Grant Category, Project Title, Applicant Name, Website, Social Media, Email, Phone, Address

Application Questions: What is your idea? How will you make it happen? Who are you? (Applicants can answer these questions with brief paragraphs, audio clips, or video clips.) How will you use your WaveMaker funds?

Work Samples: At least one great image to represent the project is requested. Optional images, audio, video, writing, link, supplemental materials, and/or related information may be included.

There is no application fee.  Locust Projects is committed to making WaveMaker Grants accessible to all applicants. Should you need any accommodations or assistance to complete your application, please reach out to programs@locustprojects.org.

Selection Criteria:

All proposals will be considered based on criteria including but not limited to:

Overall idea, vision, and artistic innovation 

Relevance to the local social, cultural, and/or geographic context

Accessibility of the project to the public outside of a museum or gallery 

Capacity of the applicant to realize the project on time and within budget

Potential impact on the local community, the arts and culture landscape, and/or the artist’s growth


Grants are reviewed by two curators/program directors representing two of the Warhol Foundation Regional Regranting organizations; 1 past WaveMaker grantee; and a local curator\arts administrator.

All grantees will be notified by June 30 of the status of their application. Grants are funded at 90% of grant amonut after all contracts agreements are complete. Remaining 10% after the project final report is submitted.

Start Submission

Welcome to Miami's incubator of new art and ideas.


Locust Projects is OPEN and we’re ready to greet you in 2025 with extended hours Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-5pm!!

Learn more about current exhibitions by Alexandre Arrechea and Alba Triana on view through Jan 23 here!

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