
LegalARTLink Business Structures and Basic Contracts Clinic

Join us for FREE two-day program presented by DLA Piper LLP and Locust Projects’ LegalArtLink

Date & Time:


297 NE 67 ST
Miami FL 33138
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Join us for FREE two-day program presented by DLA Piper LLP and Locust Projects’ LegalARTLink featuring a Talk and a Clinic on Business Structures and Basic Contracts Clinic on Monday, September 23 and Tuesday September 24. 

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23: TALK on Business Structures and Basic Contracts for Creative Industries 

Reception 5:30 - 6pm | Talk 6 - 8pm

Diego R. Figueroa-Rodríguez, Co-Chair of the Art Law Practice Group at DLA Piper LLP, will walk attendees through the requirements and best practices for business formation and transactions, including basic contracts.  

Attendees will be welcome to enroll in the Business Structures and Basic Contracts Clinic on Tuesday, September 24.



CLINIC on Business Structures and Basic Contracts with Legal Art Link and DLA Piper pro bono lawyers 

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Diego R. Figueroa-Rodríguez is the Co-Chair of the Art Law Practice Group at DLA Piper LLP. His principal practice focuses on representing issuers and underwriters in public finance transactions including multiple types of financing structures and has acted as counsel in over 50 taxable and tax-exempt financing transactions involving the issuance of over $21 billion of bonds. Principally due to his involvement in the art world as a philanthropist, collector and board member at various cultural institutions, Diego’s practice also includes advising artists, museums, galleries, sovereign countries, private foundations and collectors, auction houses and non-profit art organizations on matters involving commercial, finance, intellectual property, litigation, corporate, trusts and estates, tax and real estate aspects. In a seminal case, Diego successfully represented a group of urban/street artists in a high profile and novel copyright lawsuit against a major movie producer and Hollywood and international studios for appropriation of a mural painted by the artists in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Presented as part of Locust Projects’ LegalARTLink resources providing information opportunities and access to pro bono legal services for Miami artists of all disciplines.

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Locust Projects is OPEN! Come visit us Wed-Sat 11am-5pm and see new exhibitions by Jaye Rhee and Wendy Wischer - learn more here!  

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