Join us for the closing of Dialogue with the Primordial Sea, featuring a converstaion with artists Alba Triana and Rodolfo Peraza as they explore the unseen forces that shape our world and artistic production. Moderated by Andrew McLees, Art + Digital Innovation Manager at Locust Projects, this conversation will explore how artists use technology to reveal intangible phenomena through sound and magnetic fields, digital memory and archives, immersive virtual environments, and more. In dialogue, the artists will compare their methods of materializing the immaterial, discuss the interplay between natural and digital dynamics, and reflect on the balance between randomness and control in their work.
Topics that will be covered in this discussion include:
Revealing the Unseen Together
Conceptualizing Intangible Forces
Digital Systems and Natural Phenomena
Materializing the Immaterial Across Media
Randomness, Control, and Creativity
Labor and the Invisible in Digital Art
The Sublime Across Physical and Digital Realms
Audience Interpretation and Intuition
Collaborative Reflection on Miami’s Influence
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