Locust Art Builders (LAB): Summer Art Intensive for Teens

Parent/Teacher Brunch

Learn about LAB, a five-week summer program for Miami high school students!

Date & Time:


Locust Projects
297 NE 67 ST
Miami FL 33138
Google Map

Parent/Teacher Brunch! Miami parents and teachers who know creative high school teens! Visit us for a brunch to check out our new location in Little River, see current exhibitions and learn about LAB, a five-week summer program for Miami high school students (rising freshmen to graduated seniors)  to create an immersive installation and learn about creative careers in a nationally recognized art space. Open to public and private high-school students in Miami. 

LAB is FREE and includes: Professional Artist Mentor Instruction + Workshops + Field Trips | Builder Bag 

of Art Supplies + Artist Designed T-Shirt | Daily Lunches | Access to Transportation Stipends

LAB INTENSIVE DATES: June 11 - July 20, 2024 | Tuesdays – Fridays | 10am - 2pm 


APPLICATION OPENS: March 15, 2024 | Deadline: May 30, 2024 

Locust Art Builders: Summer Art Intensive for Teens 2024 is made possible through lead support from the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor Board and County Commissioners; The Children’s Trust; State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Additional support provided by Susan and Richard Arregui; The Kirk Foundation; Miami Salon Group and the Friends of the Next Generation.


Welcome to Miami's incubator of new art and ideas.

Locust Projects is OPEN! Come visit us Wed-Sat 11am-5pm and see new exhibitions by Jaye Rhee and Wendy Wischer - learn more here!  

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