Locust Art Builders (LAB): Summer Art Intensive for Teens

The Lab 2011

2011 LAB

Date & Time:


Pioneers in the Miami art scene, Locust Projects is pleased to announce a collaborative exhibition by a select group of South Florida High School students. Under the direction of renowned contemporary artist Monica Lopez de Victoria of the TM Sisters, thirteen local high school students will experience the invigorating and arduous process of conceiving and executing original artworks. Participating Artists: Benny Angene, Michael H. Bennett, Lino Fernandez, Audrey Gair, Vincent Granela, Sophia Kardonski, James Kendall, Natasha Mijares, William Molina, Damay Perez, Beatriz Rodriguez, Isleydi Rodriguez, Daniel Young As a hallmark that makes Locust Projects stand out from other art venues, the organization embraces cutting-edge exhibitions and innovation in art. In furtherance of the not-for-profit's thirteen-year commitment to providing an approachable arts venue for the South Florida community, for the second year, Locust Projects presents exciting new program in which a young generation of artists are given the opportunity to create a collaborative exhibition in a public venue. The project will be developed and exhibited in Locust Projects' 2,700 square foot space in Miami's Design District and culminate in a publicized show, open to the public. The goal is to promote contemporary art and project-based learning as a means to encourage creativity, critical analysis, and problem solving, while building communication skills. This unique initiative will allow young artists to learn the practical and exciting aspects of creating a public exhibition in collaboration with their peers.


2011 Video Recap

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Locust Projects is CLOSED while our next exhibiting artists install their shows opening on Feb 13 - learn more here!  

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