Alba Triana

Alba Triana:
Dialogue with the Primordial Sea

Alexandre Arrechea

Alexandre Arrechea:
Herramienta Desnuda (Bare Tool)


Niñalandia Skycoaster

Daniel Almeida, Adrian Rivera

Daniel Almeida, Adrian Rivera:
The Elephant Never Forgets

Group Exhibition

Group Exhibition:
LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE LOST: The 2024 Locust Art Builders Exhibition

Tyson Houseman, Jessica Reisch

Tyson Houseman, Jessica Reisch:
LAB MFA: Rhizomorph

Kerry Phillips

Kerry Phillips:
The patience of ordinary things

Andrew Demirjian, Dahlia Elsayed

Andrew Demirjian, Dahlia Elsayed:
SK 3000

Welcome to Miami's incubator of new art and ideas.

Locust Projects is OPEN! Come visit us Wed-Sat 11am-5pm and see new exhibitions by Jaye Rhee and Wendy Wischer - learn more here!  

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